If Spock, Data and Odo were your favourite Star Trek characters and when you watch TBBT and say "I see nothing wrong with that," at everything Sheldon Cooper does, you're probably in the right place.
In all seriousness, being diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome for many people is a massive relief. A common theme among Aspies is that pre-diagnosis many of us felt as if we were born on the wrong planet, watching the humans and being forced to live among them, but never feeling as if we were one of them. We tried to emulate them, tried to fit in, but never really got it right. And no one understands an Aspie so well as another Aspie.
Finally getting my diagnosis at the age of 40 made me realise that that feeling of being different I'd had all my life wasn't just paranoia - I really WAS different. But once diagnosed, I found there was nothing out there to help me learn how to cope better living among these Earthlings.
So I decided to set up my own support group. I figured there must be others like me out there, struggling with the same things I was. I wanted to meet them, to swap stories and tips on how to cope in this alien world, maybe to help those who were just beginning their struggle.
But more than anything else, to be among my own tribe.
I found some. Join us.